Why Classroom Rules

In addition, contrary to traditional rules, they do not encourage punishment, which often causes children to fail. Classroom rules help teachers create supportive environments where students can learn effectively. If possible, involve students in creating rules. This can be done on the first day of school in a new year or when new school-age patients enter the hospital classroom. By involving students in the process, they have the basis on why they should abide by the rules. In the future, teachers will be able to use the rules and inform new students that these rules were created in the classroom with input from former students to recognize the challenges of learning in a hospital classroom and help everyone reach their full potential. Recognize that class rules are only one part of class management. Depending on your class`s specific class rules, restorative practices can provide a more empathetic approach to problem solving, staying in touch with parents, and sending a letter home at the beginning of the school year detailing the class rules you and your class have agreed. While none of these factors excuse bad behavior, it`s worth talking to a student who behaves chronically bad to see if you can address the underlying factors. Work with administrators, support staff and parents to develop a response to the intervention plan for students who may be struggling in the classroom, or guide students to resources that can help them succeed both personally and academically. If you want students to listen to the rules of the classroom throughout the year, make sure you have reinforced them throughout the school year.

When rules are constantly taught, students have fewer excuses for committing wrongdoing. In her model of cooperative discipline, teaching specialist Linda Albert recommends: If you have implemented classroom rules or understand yourself, you know that there can be pros and cons. Some teachers have managed to use them, while others have not. Present the rules of the class in an engaging way to circulate creativity on the first day of school. Have students help them create posters of class rules or short sketches that creatively demonstrate the rules for the rest of the class. If students participate in the presentation of the rules, they are more likely to remember and comply with them. Effective rules are balanced in that they can prevent faults on the one hand and provide consequences for faults on the other. The classroom is a partnership. Therefore, there must be rules that determine the attitude and behavior of students. For example, you might say, „Chloe works hard doing her morning work.“ If no student follows the rule, draw their attention to the rule by saying, „Our first-class rule is to work hard by starting right away. Talking to your neighbor and not having your materials doesn`t go right away.

Everyone shows me right away what the entrance looks like. From the beginning, be clear about the consequences of breaking the rules. Consider a „fix what you broke“ approach that asks the student to make amends through actions or words, or to set waiting times and temporary loss of privileges. Some violations are more serious than others (p.B violence versus offline speech), so be prepared to respond appropriately. So make sure your rules match those of your school. Positive rules allow for a positive teaching environment. Students learn to respect the teacher and each other. The classroom becomes a safe place where all students can learn and do their best, leading to more successful academic outcomes. For many teachers, student discipline is a difficult subject.

If every class needs rules, it goes without saying that non-compliance with the rules should have appropriate consequences. The main reason for establishing class rules is to eliminate and avoid any possible distractions and bad behavior that interfere with learning. The goal is to create a positive and conducive atmosphere for learning, and classroom management is essential for this. For example, the absence of rules may encourage misconduct and/or disruption in the classroom. Here are some sets of classroom rules (which work both in the general classroom and in the hospital classroom) to serve as an example: That`s why creating positive class rules is the day when it`s about controlling behaviors, managing expectations, and promoting mutual respect between teacher and student. You need to create your class rules with the 5Ps in mind to make them effective. More information about the 5Ps of the class rules can be found here. This is important because the rules are designed to be enforced effectively. Students, whether they realize it or not, thrive and succeed academically in an environment with clear rules and boundaries. The general rules and principles of the class are a great place to start, but the daily rules should be clear and specific, with little room for creative interpretation or manipulation.

Class rules are rules that tell students what they can and cannot do. As you set the rules, you also need to consider the consequences. For students to follow the rules, they must recognize what will happen if they break them. Give students hypothetical situations and ask them to develop consequences based on the shared values of the class. After setting up the rules, you need to spend time and get everyone to understand them. Working with other teachers is also a great way to make sure your rules align with the school`s culture. If the classroom doesn`t match what the rest of the school does, students may get confused and start behaving. Talk to a trusted supervisor or colleague if you have any questions and take their advice seriously.

Be able to explain the consequences when students ask for it. Consider the circumstances – an unusually egregious offense must escalate faster than a small disturbance in the classroom. Apply the rules consistently so that students learn the value of responsibility. After brainstorming, develop a final list of rules as a group. Which students consider to be the most important? If they disagree with a rule, ask them to explain why. Discuss with them why the rule was created and how you can customize it to meet the specific needs of the class. If you choose to make rules with your students, ask them to go beyond general ideas. Let them think about what the rules look like in practice and what the consequences of violating certain rules should be. The only thing more annoying for your students than a long blacklist of wall-nailed rules on the first day of school is hearing you read the list while they`re sitting at their desk wishing they were still on summer vacation. For example, instead of saying, „Stop talking offline or you`ll be punished,“ positive rules say, „Raise your hand and ask yourself to speak up so we can all listen to each other`s views.“ Instead of making rules that focus on what not to do, like „don`t beat others“ and „don`t fight,“ this rule focuses on what students can do to make sure everyone is safe. .